"she was humiliated by 1 million people because of a photo."

/July 2023

over the years, it is not uncommon for women to create yellow ballads, no matter they are plain people or stars, or even regardless of their identity and age, most of them are unfounded "talkers" who comment on them and maliciously misinterpret them.

for these victims, they have not only been inexplicably rumored, but also experienced the humiliating cyber violence of sluts.

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but when they spread rumors, didn't they think that the girls who were innocent and "died" were not ashamed?

the rumor-mongering incident of July 7 women's pick-up and express delivery in Hangzhou mentioned in the article has been selected into the top ten legal supervision cases of the year 2020 announced by the Supreme people's Procuratorate.

the two defendants who spread rumors were also sentenced to one year's imprisonment, suspended for two years.

now, more and more women no longer swallow their anger and feel anxious to blame themselves when they encounter such a thing, because it is not their fault in the first place, but choose to stand up bravely and go through the judicial process to solve the problem, so that rumor mongers will pay the price!

believes that with more and more girls bravely standing up for their rights, there will be fewer and fewer such things in the future. One day, those who like to "joke" with bad intentions will shut up!